Nursing Home Mielewski, Vorra

EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage MilewskiEvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Mielewski

For nearly 30 years, Barbara and Sönke Mielewski have led their care home, set in the idyllic region of Vorra in “Pegnitztal”. As part of future plans the family acquired an adjoining meadow in 2008 providing space for an additional 43 residential care places and a day care centre.

For the new building, the builders wanted maximum flexibility in the design, with an overall contemporary, but cost-efficient implementation. The result is a four-story masonry construction, the generous space provides for semi-furnished single and double rooms – of which six rooms share a terrace.



EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage MielewskiTransferring the outside to the inside: colours and themes of the environment are reflected in the interior design. Large photo walls in black and white show motifs from the environment, which are familiar to the residents and staff.EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage MilewskiEvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Meilewski

A contemporary cottage style combines natural materials such as light oak and natural colors such as ecru with fresh accents in citrus. Everything is welcoming cozy and stylish. The straight-lined design language of the furniture combines with traditional accessories that will be familiar to residents from their past.

EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Milewski

EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Mielewski




Charming details like small ruffles on the window decorations create a homely atmosphere. Display cases in the day care centre help residents find their way quickly and are also part of the  design detail.


EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Mielewski

EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Mielewski









Breakthroughs and lines of sight in the interior design such as the open kitchen in the day care centre permit the greatest possible resident participation in communal activities.

Familiar scenes from the local area are displayed on each floor using wallpaper in sepia tones, presenting the distinct regional focus of the house and the residents.


EvMa-01 Seniorenwohnanlage Milewski


Expansion of the nursing home Mielewski to 48 beds, Vorra
Design, detailed design and construction supervision in selected areas: overall design of the house | the resident’s room, residential group care baths | Day Care | Reception Foyer | Pegnitz the parlor and the control system of the house
Total cost of construction :      4 million euros
Planning | Implementation:    end 2010 / mid 2012